Tuesday, 27 May 2014

Losing the Will

I have not updated any of my blogs in ages and there isn't really an excuse except for the fact I am losing the will to do anything. I only have a few exams left but I'm struggling to even care whether I do well in those. Knowing that most Americans are off school now is seriously making me question the British education system as the next 7 weeks will drag a lot. I just want to be on holiday all ready relaxing and stay there. There is the daunting thought in the back of mind of 'I'm going to be Year 11' as well as the constant reminder of the teachers telling us. I've counted 17 exams in total next year, not including coursework. Its a scary thought. I just want to press pause on my life. Unfortunately thats not possible but I wish it was. Next year I will be sure to crack down and work as hard as I can so I can achieve what I need to. Ahhhhhh, if only.

Wednesday, 14 May 2014


So we are currently in exam season in the UK and its horrible. I hate sitting in silence, the tension between students, the awkwardness of the examiners walking between the tables. Its when you regret finish three seasons of Gossip Girl instead of revising Science. I am trying my best to walk in with positive thoughts as I find that helps me focus more - I would also say that not talking about the exam afterwards also helps. I hope that your exams are going well for you. What have you been doing?

Sunday, 11 May 2014

Conchita Wurst: The Queen of Europe

If you are not from Europe you may not understand what Eurovision is.It is an annual singing competition where most European countries send their best singers to compete for the trophy. 

This year was a bit different as there was a lot of more conflict between countries. For example the two 17 year olds sisters from Russia were constantly booed whenever they were awarded points. To be honest i thought that Europe would be above that as it is not those two young girls fault what has happened. 

But the most exciting part by far was finding out the winner. The winner was from Austria and called 'Conchita Wurst' which roughly translates to Vagina Penis. She was quickly dubbed the 'Queen of Europe.' Her speech was amazing, talking of freedom and equality. 

It was beautiful and I think her victory was something that Europe really needed. If anything I hope it can give people time to think about what is going on and how we should be giving each other love rather than hate. I hope next year can be just as good.

Sunday, 4 May 2014

Triangl Bikini's Compulsion

I have been pulled into the fashion world once again by Tumblr and have found out about Triangl bikini's. First of all, WHY DOES IT NOT HAVE AN E AT THE END, I DON'T UNDERSTAND. And second of all, why are they so nice? I have been looking for a new long-lasting bikini this year and I think I have found the one I might buy. They have interesting, bright patterns and suit a lot of different body shapes. 10/10 recommend anyone looking for a new bikini. Where have you bought your bikini from this year?