Saturday 12 April 2014

"A dog is the only thing on earth that loves you more than you love yourself."

I love the quote above. It's true. I have a dog and its the best thing to have ever to have happened to me. Having a dog has taught me a lot of things but the main thing is responsibility. It might sound sad but I care more about my dog's life than I do my own. I feel more pain when my dog is hurt than when I am hurt. If something terrible happened to my dog I don't know what I would do. When I have a bad day I come home and my dog is always happy to see me. I can tell my dog anything and everything and although I don't get a reply I still feel like he understands (is that sad?). 

It makes me really upset when I hear about abuse to animals. A dog doesn't understand that sometimes they have done nothing wrong to deserve abuse and still continues to love the owner. How a person can continue to hurt that precious animal I will never understand. 
Do you have a dog? Do you understand what I mean?

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