Monday 7 April 2014

Easter Eggs

Did you know, on average, children in the UK get 8 Easter eggs each? Now, to me, that seems a lot. My family and I always got 1 large Easter egg each and that was it. No massive hunt, we were just given it. And we were grateful. For a while we never got any eggs at all. I don't like the massive shenanigans that goes on during every holiday nowadays. You go into Tescos and its always like "EASTER!" "CHRISTMAS!" "HANUKKAH!" "EID!" It always seems like there is an occasion to buy presents for. Isn't the whole point of holidays to celebrate family and love? Now it seems its just a case of showing off how many presents you got. A bit sad, in my opinion. 

What about you? What do you think is the point of holidays?

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