Sunday 6 April 2014

Why 'Media Teen?'

So when I was making this blog I was really struggling to find a title. I knew I wanted it to be 'Stories of...' 'Confessions of...' Diaries of...' but unfortunately all of the URLS seemed to be taken. I came up with 'Media Teen' because I am a teen growing up with a lot of social media.

I think I have an account on every social media website out there (YES, including Bebo). The places I seem to use the most are Twitter and Tumblr which are two of the worst websites to get addicted too. 

Tumblr sucks you in, makes you obsessed with weight, makes you procrastinate and so much more. 

Twitter on the other hand allows you to keep people up to date with what you are doing and see how terrible your life is compared to others. Its really not a good place to be as an impressionable teenager. 

I am trying my best not to use these websites but its really quite difficult. What about you, what websites do you use? 

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