Wednesday 9 April 2014

The Pressure to Work Out

When I was younger I used to do a couple of different types of sports a day. Gymnastics; swimming; trampolining; running; ballet; ect however when I started secondary school it was impossible to keep up with it all. Needless to say, I quit. Slowly I have seen my body lose shape and its upset me. Now I make the effort to workout everyday. My workout varies from running, to the gym, to simply doing a couple of sit-ups. Working out doesn't make me feel good but I feel the pressure to do it as I am surrounded by pictures of beautiful models - especially Kendall Jenner. Everytime I go to the Daily Mail website it says "Kendall Jenner at the gym." She has the most beautiful body and it would just be a dream to look like her. It probably won't happen but doesn't hurt to try.

Does anyone else feel this immense pressure to work out and look fit? 

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