If you are in year 11 you are probably in the middle of making the big decision of whether to go to sixth form, college or maybe an apprenticeship. I know for a fact that I would like to go to a college or the sixth form at my school but at the moment I don't know which one. A couple of minutes ago I sent off a college application to one of my number one choices. Honestly it was extremely nerve-racking as its kind of like sending off your future. It included my choices of A-levels and a 500 character personal statement. To some it might seem weird that I'm so nervous about what college I might be going to but personally it is a massive deal to me. I go to a single-sex school which means I feel like I am lacking a social life and of course I want to go to a school with a high standard of grades. It all seems like a little bit too much to handle.
If you are like me and have no clue what school you want to go to I suggest applying to a load of places and then seeing how many places you get into. You have no limit as to how many schools you can apply to because you apply to them all individual. I am sure that the list of places I get into will be short and so this will allow me a better idea of what school to pick.
I hope this gave you a bit of insight about how I feel about picking colleges. It might have even helped you a little.
Monday, 22 September 2014
Wednesday, 18 June 2014
Tuesday, 27 May 2014
Losing the Will
I have not updated any of my blogs in ages and there isn't really an excuse except for the fact I am losing the will to do anything. I only have a few exams left but I'm struggling to even care whether I do well in those. Knowing that most Americans are off school now is seriously making me question the British education system as the next 7 weeks will drag a lot. I just want to be on holiday all ready relaxing and stay there. There is the daunting thought in the back of mind of 'I'm going to be Year 11' as well as the constant reminder of the teachers telling us. I've counted 17 exams in total next year, not including coursework. Its a scary thought. I just want to press pause on my life. Unfortunately thats not possible but I wish it was. Next year I will be sure to crack down and work as hard as I can so I can achieve what I need to. Ahhhhhh, if only.
Wednesday, 14 May 2014
So we are currently in exam season in the UK and its horrible. I hate sitting in silence, the tension between students, the awkwardness of the examiners walking between the tables. Its when you regret finish three seasons of Gossip Girl instead of revising Science. I am trying my best to walk in with positive thoughts as I find that helps me focus more - I would also say that not talking about the exam afterwards also helps. I hope that your exams are going well for you. What have you been doing?
Sunday, 11 May 2014
Conchita Wurst: The Queen of Europe
If you are not from Europe you may not understand what Eurovision is.It is an annual singing competition where most European countries send their best singers to compete for the trophy.
This year was a bit different as there was a lot of more conflict between countries. For example the two 17 year olds sisters from Russia were constantly booed whenever they were awarded points. To be honest i thought that Europe would be above that as it is not those two young girls fault what has happened.
But the most exciting part by far was finding out the winner. The winner was from Austria and called 'Conchita Wurst' which roughly translates to Vagina Penis. She was quickly dubbed the 'Queen of Europe.' Her speech was amazing, talking of freedom and equality.
It was beautiful and I think her victory was something that Europe really needed. If anything I hope it can give people time to think about what is going on and how we should be giving each other love rather than hate. I hope next year can be just as good.
But the most exciting part by far was finding out the winner. The winner was from Austria and called 'Conchita Wurst' which roughly translates to Vagina Penis. She was quickly dubbed the 'Queen of Europe.' Her speech was amazing, talking of freedom and equality.
It was beautiful and I think her victory was something that Europe really needed. If anything I hope it can give people time to think about what is going on and how we should be giving each other love rather than hate. I hope next year can be just as good.
Sunday, 4 May 2014
Triangl Bikini's Compulsion
I have been pulled into the fashion world once again by Tumblr and have found out about Triangl bikini's. First of all, WHY DOES IT NOT HAVE AN E AT THE END, I DON'T UNDERSTAND. And second of all, why are they so nice? I have been looking for a new long-lasting bikini this year and I think I have found the one I might buy. They have interesting, bright patterns and suit a lot of different body shapes. 10/10 recommend anyone looking for a new bikini. Where have you bought your bikini from this year?
Tuesday, 29 April 2014
Comedy Vines
So I am sure you have all heard of the app, Vine. A vine is "A short video, usually 5 to 10 seconds long of compiled clips of random stuff." I have recently signed up to it and I am obsessed. I follow some seriously hilarious people for example Nash Grier, Lele Pons and Josh Peck. If you are in the need of a pick me up you can go to the comedy page and watch for hours. Some of them just seem so out of the ordinary but so amazing. If I were you I would sign up straight away (but only if you want to procrastinate).
Sunday, 27 April 2014
Gossip Girl Addiction
I have been drawn to Netflix again. After finishing American Horror Story (review here) I was looking for another Tv show to get addicted to. Gossip Girl is definitely different to American Horror Story and follows the lives of messed up, rich kids in New York City. I have got to be honest, I have only watched a few episodes so far, but I am really enjoying it. It gives me a new view on the lives of rich kids (even if it is fiction) and gives me more respect for the characters, especially Serena. I won't give too much away but her life doesn't seem too brilliant. You should definitely check it out if you're into teenage girl shows. Have you watched Gossip Girl, did you enjoy it?
Saturday, 26 April 2014
The Eyebrow Game
Since the introduction of Cara Delevingne eyebrows have been huge, literally. Suddenly I feel myself obsessing over whether they are unruly, or sparse, or any of the other issues you could come across with eyebrows. I have seen "Hella Eyebrow Game" all over the internet recently and I found the definition online: "When you eyebrows are so perfectly done and gapped, that it is strong." It seems we all want perfect Cara brows but its an expensive and painful habit to keep up. Do you think it is important to keep your eyebrow game strong?
Tuesday, 22 April 2014
Going Back to the Hellhole (aka School)
Sunday, 20 April 2014
'Calm DOWN'
What about you?
Saturday, 19 April 2014
What do you want to do in the future...?
This is a question commonly asked to teenagers. Simple answer is, most of us do not know. You're lucky if you want to have a generic job like teacher or doctor but unfortunately not all of us do. I am completing work experience in July and hopefully this will give me a better idea of what I would like to do. Soon I will be making big world decisions about what I want to do in the future and thats a scary thought. But first I need to get the best grades possible to ensure that I can have the widest range of options in my life - especially as I don't know what I would like to do in the future.
Do you know what to do in the future?
Do you know what to do in the future?
Friday, 18 April 2014
F*ck The Poor?
So I was sitting on Tumblr and this video came up. It was about how people on the streets react to charity workers. It is really worth a watch.
Its shocking to see how people didn't do anything when he was trying to 'Help the Poor' compared to 'F*ck the Poor.' It makes you seriously question mankind and the generosity of the public. Think about it next time you buy a £30 top.
Thursday, 17 April 2014
Revision sucks!
This is for all the other GCSE revising teenagers out there. I am currently writing a blogpost in a break between my Biology and English Lit revision. I am currently working from 9am to 6pm in 30 minute slots and I HATE IT. As much work as I am doing I just don't seem to be able to understand anything. It does not seem to be going into my head. Its annoying as well because if I don't get the grades I am expected to achieve it will be 'You obviously didn't try hard enough' when that is not true.
Anyone else struggling?
Wednesday, 16 April 2014
American Horror Story Craze
As you guys must know by now, I am in love with Tumblr and from there I discovered American Horror Story. I am currently on Series Two, Episode 5. Now its important to note, it is DEFINITELY not for the faint-hearted. A lot of blood and death and mental disorders but its excellent for all those reasons. Each of the series are set in a different places and have different stories but running actors through the series are Evan Peters, Sarah Paulson and Jessica Lange. Just to let you know, Evan Peters is HOT, but currently in a relationship with Emma Roberts (who appears in Series Three). If you like horror movies then I would seriously recommend you to check out AHS. You can get it on Netflix btw.
A new series is being planned to come out called Freak Show and I am so looking forward to it.
A new series is being planned to come out called Freak Show and I am so looking forward to it.
Tuesday, 15 April 2014
Film: Divergent
So the other day I went and saw the film Divergent with a couple of friends. I hadn't read the book (which was probably a mistake)
but I am planning on it. The film was amazing. The graphics and the set was insane. I can't even imagine how they created it. The story of Divergent is so interesting and unique. I won't tell you what it is about if case you want to see the film or read the book but the actors portrayed the characters amazingly in the film. I recommend everyone to go and see the film if they want too.
Monday, 14 April 2014
The Charts Suck!
This might be a little bit controversial but recently I was looking down the charts and I realised the music sucked. Can't we go back to the days of Nirvana and the Beatles and the original music? Where people weren't afraid to take risks and represent who they are? Although I wasn't alive when most of my favourite music was in the charts I wish I was and I really hope that one day some better music will be in the modern charts. Pop music and 'hip' music is degrading and says some disgusting things. Do we really want to bring our kids up listening to things like this? I know that I don't want my little sister listening to anybody like Robin Thicke.
What about you? Do you think chart music sucks?
What about you? Do you think chart music sucks?
Sunday, 13 April 2014
The Need for Clear Skin
At the beginning of the year I struggled with mild acne and given a cream by the doctor. My skin is almost completely cleared up and I am really happy with the results. I can't even begin to explain my insecurity when I had bad skin. I felt like that was all people were staring at when they were speaking to me and I couldn't leave the house without make-up on. I am constantly surrounded by images of woman with perfect skin and that was one of the reason I felt so terrible at the time. Our society has such high expectations that I feel I will never live up too.
What about you? Do you feel the need for clear skin?
Saturday, 12 April 2014
"A dog is the only thing on earth that loves you more than you love yourself."
I love the quote above. It's true. I have a dog and its the best thing to have ever to have happened to me. Having a dog has taught me a lot of things but the main thing is responsibility. It might sound sad but I care more about my dog's life than I do my own. I feel more pain when my dog is hurt than when I am hurt. If something terrible happened to my dog I don't know what I would do. When I have a bad day I come home and my dog is always happy to see me. I can tell my dog anything and everything and although I don't get a reply I still feel like he understands (is that sad?).
It makes me really upset when I hear about abuse to animals. A dog doesn't understand that sometimes they have done nothing wrong to deserve abuse and still continues to love the owner. How a person can continue to hurt that precious animal I will never understand.
Do you have a dog? Do you understand what I mean?
Friday, 11 April 2014
Brooklyn Beckham...mhmmm
So Brooklyn Beckham is the eldest son of David and Victoria Beckham. He's my age and very very good looking. I know this because he just made his debut photoshoot:
He is just one in a long list of unreachable teenagers. I go to a girls school which means I am seriously deprived of boys. I go to the internet for my fair fix of guys and this gives me unrealistic ideas of what my guys should look like.
Can we just talk about the Ja'mie reference here? Perfect boy.
He even has a messy room, like me.
He is quite clearly not a man. He doesn't have armpit hair.
Its a shame I have no Brooklyn Beckham's living round my area. I am just going to have to wait for my perfect boy I suppose. One day.
Who is your perfect man?
Thursday, 10 April 2014
"What's happened to Disney Channel?"
Recently my friends and I were discussing the topic of "Old Disney Channel." The good ol'days of the Even Stevens, That's So Raven and Lizzie McGuire. I remember running home after school to watch these shows. Best times ever. Now I find the shows to be boring and dare I say it, little girly.

WHO DRESSES THESE CHARACTERS? Rocky and CeCe are dancers and singers. Granted they can dance but the problems they encounter in the show are mediocre and slightly boring.
I thought the concept of this was going to be quite interesting but the cast really disappointed me. Most of them are extremely irritating and again the storyline is just boring. Stan's cute though.
What do you think?
Rocky and Cece?
WHO DRESSES THESE CHARACTERS? Rocky and CeCe are dancers and singers. Granted they can dance but the problems they encounter in the show are mediocre and slightly boring.
Austin and Ally?
First of all, if you didn't know that Austin and Ally were going to end up together, then WHAT? It is the most stereotypical storyline ever and Ally is seriously irritating.
Dog with a Blog?
Although I did just complain loads I do still like Good Luck Charlie and Jessie. The reason I like these is because they have much more grown-up issues in them, for example, Good Luck Charlie had lesbian's in it. I just wish they wouldn't cast such irritating people.
What do you think?
Wednesday, 9 April 2014
The Pressure to Work Out
When I was younger I used to do a couple of different types of sports a day. Gymnastics; swimming; trampolining; running; ballet; ect however when I started secondary school it was impossible to keep up with it all. Needless to say, I quit. Slowly I have seen my body lose shape and its upset me. Now I make the effort to workout everyday. My workout varies from running, to the gym, to simply doing a couple of sit-ups. Working out doesn't make me feel good but I feel the pressure to do it as I am surrounded by pictures of beautiful models - especially Kendall Jenner. Everytime I go to the Daily Mail website it says "Kendall Jenner at the gym." She has the most beautiful body and it would just be a dream to look like her. It probably won't happen but doesn't hurt to try.
Does anyone else feel this immense pressure to work out and look fit?
Monday, 7 April 2014
Easter Eggs

What about you? What do you think is the point of holidays?
Sunday, 6 April 2014
Why 'Media Teen?'
So when I was making this blog I was really struggling to find a title. I knew I wanted it to be 'Stories of...' 'Confessions of...' Diaries of...' but unfortunately all of the URLS seemed to be taken. I came up with 'Media Teen' because I am a teen growing up with a lot of social media.
I think I have an account on every social media website out there (YES, including Bebo). The places I seem to use the most are Twitter and Tumblr which are two of the worst websites to get addicted too.
Tumblr sucks you in, makes you obsessed with weight, makes you procrastinate and so much more.
Twitter on the other hand allows you to keep people up to date with what you are doing and see how terrible your life is compared to others. Its really not a good place to be as an impressionable teenager.
I am trying my best not to use these websites but its really quite difficult. What about you, what websites do you use?
The Obsession with Thigh Gaps
So this is sort of a follow on from my last posts. Recently I was scrolling down my tumblr feed and noticed a lot of pictures similar to this:

If you are not a teenage girl or you are not tumblr than you may not know what a thigh gap is. A thigh gap is a space between the inner thighs when standing upright with both knees touching. It is the newest weight obsession. I know, as a teenage girl myself, I want a thigh gap and I aspire to have one in the near future. Everyone seems to find it attractive. I constantly look at other peoples weight and compare myself to them, its sad, I know, but I can't stop myself. I suppose this is what our generation has come to. I think its sad but its something we just can't seem to fix.
I've got to say though, I am obsessed with Tumblr. When I searched 'thigh gaps' this came up:

If you are not a teenage girl or you are not tumblr than you may not know what a thigh gap is. A thigh gap is a space between the inner thighs when standing upright with both knees touching. It is the newest weight obsession. I know, as a teenage girl myself, I want a thigh gap and I aspire to have one in the near future. Everyone seems to find it attractive. I constantly look at other peoples weight and compare myself to them, its sad, I know, but I can't stop myself. I suppose this is what our generation has come to. I think its sad but its something we just can't seem to fix.
I've got to say though, I am obsessed with Tumblr. When I searched 'thigh gaps' this came up:
Its nice to see people taking a stand, especially online where most of it seems to happen.
What do you think?
Saturday, 5 April 2014

So recently I found out that the infamous Gilly Hicks has closed down. Not to say it was really a shock. What kind of shop thinks it is okay to sell plain t-shirts for £30? If you don't know Gilly Hicks is part of the Abercrombie and Fitch chain who are famous after their boss says that their clothes aren't for "fat people." Obviously I was offended at this statement. Despite me not being overweight I do not think it is okay to EVER discriminate against a person because of their weight. Gilly Hicks was always the shop I viewed with all the perfect 'tumblr' girls working there. The girl were chosen to work there based heavily upon their looks. Seeing it closed down gives me a sense of hope that people are realising that it is not okay to shop at a place which doesn't even sell clothes over a size 12 (UK size). Every time I went into Gilly Hicks I started to feel suddenly insecure as I knew I could never be good enough to work there. Now that is it gone I can walk around the shopping centre without worrying what I look like and that makes me happy.
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